DeCom Subliminal Interactive Advertising          .  .  is re-organizing global commerce, so that economic growth is universally shared equitably across the world's local economies!
Main Street now has its own business model for the real economy!
Cloudfunding  .  .  directly stimulates global productivity through an alliance of local economies!
.  .  solves Commerce's dilemma by maximizing profitability for sellers and affordability for buyers, simultaneously!
.  .  solves a growing inflation problem by changing commerce's dynamics, reducing debt for buyers and sellers!
Cloudfunding brings DeCom - decentralized commerce and automated selling to local economies!
Shopkeeper Sell local  -  Buy local

SMEs are the backbone of all local economies

SMEs also have something in common all around the world
.  .  they all have 'idle economic value' sitting in their inventories.
That economic value is the new 'Gold Rush' for SMEs to monetize.

Price Demand
.  .  read more on local demand
Sell It Forward, Now!
Buying local is more affordable and sustainable when Sellers
use Cloudfunding to monetize their inventories, before releasing
their products and services to buyers via Price Demand
with cascading buying prices!

.  .  read more
              Cloud Capital Inventory                            Cloud Capital Outsourced Selling                            Cloud Capital Smart Contracts
          Outsourced Selling                       Monetization                           Smart Contracts    
.  .  a new economic model for local economies that uses the economic value of local seller inventories to drive productivity!
           Market Makers      Gold Rush
      It's the new Gold Rush discovery!

            .  .  and this time, everyone gets in on the action!

SME's 'economic value' is freely distributed to global users (miners)

      Users then collect it and earn by monetizing global productivity

     .  .  and stakeholders gain by sharing in the economic growth!

.  .  read more                 

 .  .  it's all part of a decentralized global market maker (miner) network,
                with the power to directly monetize local productivity

.  .  read more                  
                                                   Cloud Capital Outsourced Selling                            Cloud Capital Smart Contracts                            Cloud Capital Price Demand             
                                               Monetization                            Smart Contracts                           Price Demand    
.  .  SMEs hold the collateral of new capital flows that can now monetize local productivity  -  governed by a productive standard!
Price Demand Price Demand

     SME inventories hold the local economic value

     .  .  buyers drive local demand with cascading buying
     prices that offer greater buying power and affordability
.  .  read more on price demand
Pay It Forward, Now!

    Cloud Capital Smart Contracts                            Cloud Capital Price Demand                            Liquidity
      Smart Contracts                          Price Demand                              Liquidity
.  .  real productivity is the intrinsic backing of a new debt free economic system that deleverages society, while maximizing economic growth!
.  .  automation is taking over industries  -  now supply & demand is being automated!
.  .  bringing a new era of distributing local economic value to a global demand!
.  .  bringing a debt deleveraging mechanism to local communities and economies!
.  .  with Cloudfunding!
Cloudfunding ( Cloudalism ) is a protocol that allows true economic value to be tapped, collateralized, distributed and validated
as a ubiquitous flow of economic capital, moving permissionlessly between economies and users  -  individually joining
a global consensus in governing the economic value and velocity of local productivity across global economies  
-  just as communication and information move along protocols on top of the internet with TCP/IP and HTTP.
Cloudfunding is DeCom
" Cloudfunding does for modern economies in tokenizing the local economic value                                 

                                 .  .  as what the invent of coinage did for commerce and trade in ancient times! "
" Now,  local economic value is universally issued, owned and governed by the people,  for the people             

                                                         .  .  to fully monetize productivity across global commerce and trade! "
Decentralized Commerce
Most people have heard of the old Gold Standard era, where money was tied to gold

Cloudfunding is similar, with money tied to the economic value in products and services
For decades sovereign fiat currencies have been subject to inflationary periods that devalue the buying power of consumers

Cloudfunding offers a way of finding an equilibrium between supply and demand without all the collateral damage

-  counters the cycles of inflation that harm consumers with the cost of living, and deflation that harms business profits.
How it works
Local SME inventories hold unlimited collateral, more than enough to back local economic growth, world wide!

The banking system has ignored SMEs and their inventory's local economic value, for its true value!

.  .  that local economic value is now being tapped as collateral to back global productivity!

.  .  it's the real economy's universally backed productivity, controlled by local communities!

Local SMEs are now funded directly with grants by global communities to help build their business!
Cloudfunding makes it so simple for sellers to use
with   No Fees
   No Commissions
   No Advertising costs
   No Contracts
   No Currency Spreads
   No more Market Places taking profits
   No more Payment Provider charges
Just a simple process using a mobile to add a photo, full selling price and description!
SIA - Subliminal Interactive Advertising
.  .  disrupts big tech's surveillance model
.  .  and reinvents digital advertising!  


.  .  making it free and subliminal
.  .  across a bigger market!
Introduction Video Library                              
Introducing SODA  -  Subliminal Organically Decentralized Advertising
SODA  -  Subliminal Advertising
.  .  it re-invents digital advertising into subliminal advertising, using economic value as the catalyst!
Economic value is the true productive value of a country's exchange between sellers and buyers!
Cloudfunding taps that value, making it the only intrinsically backed capital flows, world wide!
  the real economy now has a decentralized local economic market index  
  ComTechX combines the mechanisms of sharemarkets and banking, re-engineering it into a new decentralized local economic market index - DeCom Markets, with Cloudfunding's economic infrastructure  -  it provides a scalable network effect to reach global communities, with means to change the way capital flows are generated using productivity's real-time economic value  -  freely distributing that economic value in a sustainable way, that it intrinsically backs and governs a totally neutral universal means of exchange  -  democratically and equitably distributed through-out global commerce, from economy to economy!  
    .  .  read more    
  The global economic market index tracks the decentralized local economies where productivity is generated by local communities that have the incentive as partners in the decentralized global market maker network  -  constantly stimulating their own economy, and other economies linked through trade, by directing foreign capital flows into the local economies to monetize inventories, both supporting and sharing in the economic growth.  
    .  .  read more    
Local economies are not about currencies, and who controls it
.  .  it's about the economic infrastructure the currencies run on!
Are you an accommodation provider, restaurateur or event promoter?
Booking Demand
.  .  and tired of OTAs and Marketplaces taking your profits?
Main Street SMEs can now take back control, so profits stay local!
Price Demand     Price Demand     Price Demand     AutoDemand
SMEs can now go direct to consumers (D2C) with Cloudfunding!
Industries committed to zero emissions can fast-track affordability!
Auto Demand
Cloudfunding is a productivity-based ecosystem that's constantly governed by real-time productivity
        .  .  in less detail  >  >   <  <  back
For nearly fifty years national sovereign fiat currencies have been detached from any type of asset-backed value!
Communities can now align their local economy's currency with their own local economy's productivity, on a global scale!
Local economies can now use the economic value in their local seller inventory's to back and generate productivity in their economies!
  Queen Bee Loyalty Program   QwickPic Ready    
Cloudfunding has it's own domain  -  where SMEs can safely isolate with a competitive advantage!
Cloudfunding mechanics
Every Zip and Post Code can be a DAE - decentralized autonomous economy
Claim a Zip or Post Code for naming rights to a local economy
Infinite Loop
.  .  a domain where new capital flows are validated by the aggregate demand of real global productivity!
Universal Wealth Of Nations
Cloudfunding is a productivity-based ecosystem, meaning no credit!
Cloud Capital Inventory                            Cloud Capital Outsourced Selling                            Cloud Capital Smart Contracts                            Cloud Capital Price Demand                            Liquidity
   Seller - Inventories                      Outsourced Selling                       Smart Contracts                           Buyer - Price Demand                      Seller Liquidity     
       Distribution of Economic Value            Crowd Consensus                Guaranteed full selling prices                 Cascading buying prices              Liquidity Seller / Buyer      
In any commerce there're plenty of services taking a cut of the seller's full selling prices  -  as well as for buyers  -  just to get a sale
.  .  what Cloudfunding does, is it eliminates all those incumbent services in an automated selling ecosystem  -  while incentivizing buyers!
  .  .  read more  
Claim Your Local Economy!
Your Location.ChamberOfEconomies.Online
Every Zip Code and Post Code representing a town, city and region in a state and country around the world has a local economy
that allows commerce to work between sellers and buyers  -  local economies come in all sizes but the dynamics all work the same.

Decentralized local economies give control to local communities!

As more local economies get established, the greater the interconnection between local and foreign economies, forming a true
global consensus in generating productivity via a democratic flow of capital moving from foreign economies into a seller's economy.

Size of local economies is often been seen as 'the bigger the better', but that changes with Cloudfunding's dynamics, where economic
capital is directed into any size local economy to stimulate demand for local products and services equally across all size towns and cities.

Local communities, both businesses and consumers, can be proactive by helping to stimulate productivity in their local economy and other
economies as Open Market Makers ( OMMs ), sharing in the benefits as economic equity stakeholders, when capital flows into economies.

Be first to claim your local economy!

Any local Seller can be the first business or group of local businesses to claim their local economy and list their local region onto
the Decentralized Commerce Markets Index, as part of the Global Chamber Of Economies.
Claim a Zip or Post Code for naming rights to a local economy
Expression of interest are open for SMEs and business groups to list their local economy in the Global Chamber Of Economies!
    Want to know about FOMEZ? Know More    
-  SMEs, seller groups, shopping precincts and co-ops etc can all take advantage of the Queen Bee loyalty program.
buyers who can join together in buyer co-ops, families or individuals  -  everyone can benefit from cascading buying prices
    Know More
Cloudfunding breaks the targeted surveillance advertising model
.  .  bypasses paying for buyer's attention, and instead goes directly to sales!
Free Subliminal Organic Advertising
.  .  shifts to an accountable model where Main Street and Online are directly aligned with buyers!
Subliminal advertising distributes the untapped 'idle capacity' stored up in local inventories!
Cloudfunding gives buyers a new experience
with digitized traditional Cash Commerce
.  .  with PIFN!
Pay It Forward, Now!
.  .  giving buyers the advantage of cascading buying prices
Blue Dot     .  .  it gives SMEs guaranteed full selling prices and real time cash flows, without the costly payment services   Blue Dot    .  . it gives buyers the chance to buy products
        and services at prices they want to pay  -  with
        cascading buying prices
    read more   read more                
     Local Commerce now has traditional digital cash commerce
Capital Purchase
.  .  with no fees for buyers or sellers, or payment providers, just like using cash!
Shopping                THE PLATFORM

               ComTechX is a global economic value trade exchange platform with an

               infrastructure that sits above B2B, B2C & D2C marketplaces.

               -  it creates the environment that monetizes the economic values in local

               inventories  -  so sellers sustain profitability and buyers gain affordability.

Cloudfunding captures the economic value in local economies  -  in a new Main Street model

.  .  that economic value is a store of value  -  backed by the intrinsic value of productivity

.  .  focus is directly on local productivity  -  with velocity of local currencies a key objective
a universal capital can now flow ubiquitously between economies
Balance Of Payments
.  .  directly stimulating local demand with foreign capital  -  without adding debt!
Global users are more economically connected than socially
RingLink Technology
cvrGdbtUfgojmB-WdxgaQibmcSo-fgeoQopmfRv-HrysmcFwschy-lOptifyCwtdBw-urluGedcvYeds-asjvnrTofuCsdX-hdgsXgjbndyEst- . . Audit Trace
Borderless economy to economy commerce is the new economic link connecting global users
Cloudfunding's economic engine is a decentralized open market
Economic Engine
.  .  with a global network of market makers directly monetizing local Productivity!
Expression of interest are open for SMEs, seller groups, shopping precincts and co-ops etc in the Queen Bee loyalty program.
    Want to know about FOMEZ? Know More    
buyers who can join together in buyer co-ops, families or individuals  -  everyone can benefit from cascading buying prices
    Know More  
The real economy now has its own real time index for local economies
Main Street has always struggled against the Wall Street's monetizing model, until now!
Main Street inventories can now be monetized directly through a democratic and decentralized market maker network
Any product or service that can be quantified and priced can be listed through a simple on-ramp to outsource the selling
Cloudfunding gives local SMEs an advantage to compete globally in a new economic landscape
    .  .  expand    
Main Street's Market Index changes the dynamics to a linear model that thrives on the strategies of users chasing local economic growth
Cloudfunding dissolves currency competition with a ubiquitous P2P means of exchange
Legacy incumbents centered on arbitrage and selling money are irrelevant in the real economy
Sovereign and Crypto currency values are based on market trading and speculative returns, and traded through exchanges  -
whereas Cloudfunding is based on UDC gaining linear growth tied to productivity, and shared with local economic stakeholders
Users can be pro-active in economies and gain from linear growth
Economic Linear Growth

Local Economy Activity
universally distributed incomes share the growth of local economies
Cloudfunding changes the dynamics between Supply and Demand
.  .  giving Sellers and Buyers two separate markets to deleverage!
Supply and Demand
.  .  by separating the Supply side from the Demand side!
Why separate Supply from Demand?
There are two scenarios that get played out in the global and national economies, it's either inflation or deflation.
Inflation is when the value of your local currency goes down against other currencies, and the price of goods and services goes up.

Deflation is when the value of your local currency goes up against other currencies, and the price of goods and services goes down.
Inflation helps the Supply side with increasing selling prices but disadvantages buyers with higher prices.

Deflation helps the Demand side with greater buying power but disadvantages sellers with lower profits.
Cloudfunding gains the advantages of both inflation and deflation, without using debt!
Cloudfunding shifts Productivity to the leading catalyst
Leading Catalyst
.  .  flows of local capital is constantly pegged to global Productivity!
It's a totally new economic alliance of local communities
Linking economy to economy
.  .  where SMEs hold the local economic value that's exchanged from economy to economy!
SMEs have new cashflows to work with in the real economy
Local Sellers have the economic value in their inventories to generate new capital flows
SME Cloudfunding
What is Cloudfunding solving?
Bottleneck in local economies The Inequality around the distribution of wealth in many of the world's
economies is increasing  -  and that will escalate as businesses are
forced to discount to gain the limited customers looking for lower prices.

The dilemma is increased when lower profits reduce investment in plant
and jobs, looping back to increased savings, slower consumer spending
and lower tax revenues, the ingredients for deflation  -  or inflation with
a lower currency value making goods and services cost more.

Cloudfunding shifts commerce's mechanics to place Productivity as the
leading catalyst to generate activity between Supply and Demand via
direct foreign capital flows, instead of selling credit and debt.

Deleveraging local economies

It deleverages communities by utilizing local economic value instead of
relying on credit to stimulate spending  -  it monetizes the supply side
using the aggregate demand of newly completed productivity.

Markets are redesigned between Supply and Demand with more focus
on accountability that's directly tied to the intrinsic economic value of
real productivity  -  it's set to a productive standard, which constantly
governs, validates and monetizes the next flow of inventories.

By directing aggregate demand to monetize new inventories, it avoids
losses in local economies when sellers collectively discount.

Cloudfunding maximizes seller profitability with Outsourced Selling,
and maximizes affordability with Price Demand's cascading prices.
Cloudfunding solves the debasement of sovereign currencies by shifting productivity to the leading catalyst
.  .  where it can govern and maintain a stable and neutral universal unit of account, and means of exchange!
Our changing world will no longer be about who controls the money but who controls productivity!
Economic value is the new universally distributed wealth that's backed by real productivity
Cloudfunding - New Economic Flows
.  .  see more details
Expression of interest are open for SMEs, seller groups, shopping precincts and co-ops etc in the Queen Bee loyalty program.
    Want to know about FOMEZ? Know More    
buyers who can join together in buyer co-ops, families or individuals  -  everyone can benefit from cascading buying prices
    Know More  
Cloudfunding brings Automated Selling to Main Street
.  .  a new era in free SME Funding
Cloudfunding  .  .  .  Localization
Outsourced Selling  .  .  can impact local Productivity this Century
like Outsourced Manufacturing did in the 20th Century.

Social Demand  .  .  individuals can now have a greater influence
on issues that impact the broader community.
New level of trust

Privacy is set as the cornerstone of the platform where users can
build out their own space across a network that treats individuals
as the new 'beneficiaries' of the internet  -  not the 'product'.

Subliminal Advertising

Users only need to download the free app to start collecting the
free economic value while connecting with friends, family and even
businesses  -  without being distracted or tracked by advertisers.
            Social Demand
Cloudfunding challenges the status-quo
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